Among the dozens or even hundreds of providers that exist on the internet, Bravenet arguably the best provider and complete. Just imagine you can use 28 pieces of free services, ranging from guestbooks, counters, polls, mailing lists to greeting cards. To register click the following link: Free Tools for Webmasters
Then enter your email address and click join. After that you will be taken to the page New Member Sign-up Form. Fill your data in its entirety (to finish), just like us when registering an email. After that you will receive immediate confirmation from Bravenet. Immediately check your email and click the link provided in that email to activate. Once you activate these links you can just go to a page Members Area, the way of course by entering your username and password that you selected earlier.
On the page Members Area plastered all services provided by Bravenet. To remember that although you've officially become a member of Bravenet, but not all of these services directly available to you. That is to use the service, you must activate the service you want. Suppose you want to create a guestbook, then click on the register contained on Bnet Guestbook.
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